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Posted: Sat 02. Jul 2016 12:01:50
by MarasB

Age: 19

Location & Timezone:UTC+03:00 EU/LTU

Which Officer invited you?Magre

Why do you want to join UFOs and what do you think you can bring? I like squad play and I am a person who follow orders.

How active can you be? I can be online every day 1-3h

How did you hear about UFOs? Ive seen you around and played a little bit with some of you, even today.

PlanetSide 2 stats:!/ ... 4132671009

Preferred Class / Role: Mostly playing with Heavy or Light assault

Please list your outfit history and your current outfit:
UFO,CLUB,2CA and Ybus.


Posted: Mon 04. Jul 2016 11:43:15
by Magre
Hello MarasB,

thanks a lot for your interest in joining UFOs.
I regret to have to inform you that we decided against your admission, due to your stats and the amount of Outfits you cycled through.

In best regards,
UFOs Administration