Posted: Fri 20. Jan 2017 22:44:39
Username: MrIvorTexI (vortex in short)
Age (we are looking for 18+ members but exceptions can be made): 20 (21 in 9 days)
Location & Timezone: The netherlands, GMT +1
How did you hear about UFOs: When our outfit leader left with 2 commanders to join (reapertr/p3rf3ction/atomicfnt). I've since joined you multiple times on OPs nights and general play time
Why do you want to join UFOs and what do you think you can bring: I've recently come back from a 2 months hiatus of the game because I got bored with playing (as well as the state of (server)performance, but that aside) the same grind over and over again. I've been considering applying for a while but I still had fun playing with the people in my current outfit. I think I can bring some more skilled and experienced gameplay to your group. i've participated in a few server smashes and really enjoyed those and I know UFOs are fairly active in the scrim scene so I'd love to throw my gun at the enemies over there
How active can you be: Depending on my mood I can play at all times of the day, everyday. before my hiatus i logged between 6 and 12 hours a day.
What game your Applying For: Planetside 2
For PlanetSide 2 please provide stats:
-!/ ... 9284092577
Preferred Class / Role: For serious OPs i prefer playing medic or heavy as I feel those add the most to winning a fight.
Please list your outfit history and your current outfit: I'm currently a sergeant in ELME and have been with them since i started playing last march.
Age (we are looking for 18+ members but exceptions can be made): 20 (21 in 9 days)
Location & Timezone: The netherlands, GMT +1
How did you hear about UFOs: When our outfit leader left with 2 commanders to join (reapertr/p3rf3ction/atomicfnt). I've since joined you multiple times on OPs nights and general play time
Why do you want to join UFOs and what do you think you can bring: I've recently come back from a 2 months hiatus of the game because I got bored with playing (as well as the state of (server)performance, but that aside) the same grind over and over again. I've been considering applying for a while but I still had fun playing with the people in my current outfit. I think I can bring some more skilled and experienced gameplay to your group. i've participated in a few server smashes and really enjoyed those and I know UFOs are fairly active in the scrim scene so I'd love to throw my gun at the enemies over there
How active can you be: Depending on my mood I can play at all times of the day, everyday. before my hiatus i logged between 6 and 12 hours a day.
What game your Applying For: Planetside 2
For PlanetSide 2 please provide stats:
-!/ ... 9284092577
Preferred Class / Role: For serious OPs i prefer playing medic or heavy as I feel those add the most to winning a fight.
Please list your outfit history and your current outfit: I'm currently a sergeant in ELME and have been with them since i started playing last march.