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APPLICATION - Francistech1994TR

Posted: Tue 31. Jan 2017 19:09:42
by Francistech1994
Username: Francistech94

Age (we are looking for 18+ members but exceptions can be made): 22

Location & Timezone: Belgium 18:46

How did you hear about UFOs: For By a friend who is in the UFOs ( airwacTR ) And also because I stream PS2 on twitch and I've known airwactr on twitch.

Why do you want to join UFOs and what do you think you can bring: I would like to join the UFOs because I did not find any Belgian or French outfit because there are very few and in addition I know airwacTR I do not know what I could bring because I never lead a squad.

How active can you be: By connecting me and playing a lot to PS2.

What game your Applying For: At the moment I play that has PS2 but before I was more a player console I was playing games on pc but it was not games in line it was the sims roller coaster tycoon PS2 was my first games online!

For PlanetSide 2 stats: first character:

I created a new character for each faction to have a better K.D

And i have a emerald character on TR:

Preferred Class / Role: I like playing heavy assault light assault I also play infiltrate I play more in infantry than in vehicle.

Please list your outfit history and your current outfit: I was that in a single outfit on my first perosnnage in TR Francistech1994 it is C44X but I told myself that I was going to leave it because on 1500 only 5 members are still active.

Re: APPLICATION - Francistech1994TR

Posted: Wed 01. Feb 2017 0:15:03
by Administration
Welcome to the outfit as a member with the Trialist status, Francistech94! Please note that the trial period lasts for an undisclosed, arbitrary amount of time, ie. you will get promoted to Member when we see fit. In that time your gameplay will be observed, and evaluated. You will be expected to hang around in our Teamspeak, and actively participate in our events, such as Tuesdays and Sundays Tactical Operations, Wednesday/Thursdays trainings and daily casual/semi-casual squads. Real life considerations (no time because of work, family, health...) are always taken into account.

You should now do three things, if you haven't yet already:
1. Read the Code of Conduct carefully -,
2. Create a proper forum account, and
3. Come to our Teamspeak (, where you will be assigned the Trialist server group and given necessary permissions.

If any questions arise, please contact the officers (Seerious, Jemi, MrBasher), or one of the leaders (f4ll0ut, Magre, RandomFaze). :)