Posted: Sun 28. May 2017 22:22:02
Username: mAnikTR
Age (we are looking for 18+ members but exceptions can be made): 27
Location & Timezone: Europe/Prague
How did you hear about UFOs: met ingame, was fun playing against, when started playing TR looked up your TS and joined you for a few ops
Why do you want to join UFOs and what do you think you can bring: UFO seems to have similar values like me - I enjoy tactical, organized play, strong team cooperation. I have also experience from several smashes. I am reliable, pretty active and eager to improve
How active can you be: Almost daily, when it's something planned (like smash or ops) I always try to make time.
What game your Applying For: Planetside 2
For PlanetSide 2 please provide stats:
VS main:
NC alt:
Preferred Class / Role: HA, but I don't have problem filling other roles in the squad (except sniping )
Please list your outfit history and your current outfit:
On TR I haven't been part of any outfit. On VS I played with DIG, but now although I am part of the outfit, in the last 6 months I have been playing with them only in smashes and trainings, otherwise I am regularly playing with DIGT. Been playing some ops also with WIB, LPS and UFOs
Age (we are looking for 18+ members but exceptions can be made): 27
Location & Timezone: Europe/Prague
How did you hear about UFOs: met ingame, was fun playing against, when started playing TR looked up your TS and joined you for a few ops
Why do you want to join UFOs and what do you think you can bring: UFO seems to have similar values like me - I enjoy tactical, organized play, strong team cooperation. I have also experience from several smashes. I am reliable, pretty active and eager to improve
How active can you be: Almost daily, when it's something planned (like smash or ops) I always try to make time.
What game your Applying For: Planetside 2
For PlanetSide 2 please provide stats:
VS main:
NC alt:
Preferred Class / Role: HA, but I don't have problem filling other roles in the squad (except sniping )
Please list your outfit history and your current outfit:
On TR I haven't been part of any outfit. On VS I played with DIG, but now although I am part of the outfit, in the last 6 months I have been playing with them only in smashes and trainings, otherwise I am regularly playing with DIGT. Been playing some ops also with WIB, LPS and UFOs