Username: mAnikTR
Age (we are looking for 18+ members but exceptions can be made): 27
Location & Timezone: Europe/Prague
How did you hear about UFOs: met ingame, was fun playing against, when started playing TR looked up your TS and joined you for a few ops
Why do you want to join UFOs and what do you think you can bring: UFO seems to have similar values like me - I enjoy tactical, organized play, strong team cooperation. I have also experience from several smashes. I am reliable, pretty active and eager to improve
How active can you be: Almost daily, when it's something planned (like smash or ops) I always try to make time.
What game your Applying For: Planetside 2
For PlanetSide 2 please provide stats:
VS main:
NC alt:
Preferred Class / Role: HA, but I don't have problem filling other roles in the squad (except sniping )
Please list your outfit history and your current outfit:
On TR I haven't been part of any outfit. On VS I played with DIG, but now although I am part of the outfit, in the last 6 months I have been playing with them only in smashes and trainings, otherwise I am regularly playing with DIGT. Been playing some ops also with WIB, LPS and UFOs
We are officially making Discord our primary communication platform due to ease of access, multi-functionality options and monetary benefit (in other words, it's free). The registrations are now locked, but existing users will still be able to open threads and post. If you haven't joined yet, we ask you to do it, as you will be able to stay in the loop and in touch with the outfit members. Use the link below.
Another announcement: we are officially making the WiB primary Teamspeak for Planetside. UFOs teamspeak will still remain active, but will be used for other communities (BF, Overwatch, whatever) and as backup. To join either, use the addresses below:
We are officially making Discord our primary communication platform due to ease of access, multi-functionality options and monetary benefit (in other words, it's free). The registrations are now locked, but existing users will still be able to open threads and post. If you haven't joined yet, we ask you to do it, as you will be able to stay in the loop and in touch with the outfit members. Use the link below.
Another announcement: we are officially making the WiB primary Teamspeak for Planetside. UFOs teamspeak will still remain active, but will be used for other communities (BF, Overwatch, whatever) and as backup. To join either, use the addresses below:
- Administration
- Leader
- Posts: 85
- Joined: Fri 21. Oct 2016 15:42:07
Thank you for the interest in joining Unidentified Fighting Objects (UFOs), mAnikTR. You application has been accepted, therefore we welcome you to the outfit as a member with the Trialist status! Please note that the trial period lasts for an undisclosed, arbitrary amount of time, ie. you will get promoted to Member when we see fit. In that time your gameplay will be observed, and evaluated. You will be expected to hang around in our Teamspeak, and actively participate in our events, such as Tuesdays and Sundays Operations, Thursdays trainings and daily casual/semi-casual squads. Real life considerations (no time because of work, family, health...) are always taken into account.
You should now do four things, if you haven't yet already:
1. Join discord as it's easiest to stay in loop -
2. Read the Code of Conduct carefully - Link,
3. Come to our Teamspeak (, where you will be assigned the Trialist server group and given necessary permissions.
4. Contact the UFOs administration (Leaders/Officers) in game, so you can get an outfit invite.
If any questions arise, please contact the officers (ZinorraOnMiller, Magre, Jemi, MrBasher), or one of the leaders (FaIIout, RandomFaze, Seerious).
You should now do four things, if you haven't yet already:
1. Join discord as it's easiest to stay in loop -
2. Read the Code of Conduct carefully - Link,
3. Come to our Teamspeak (, where you will be assigned the Trialist server group and given necessary permissions.
4. Contact the UFOs administration (Leaders/Officers) in game, so you can get an outfit invite.
If any questions arise, please contact the officers (ZinorraOnMiller, Magre, Jemi, MrBasher), or one of the leaders (FaIIout, RandomFaze, Seerious).
"Loyalty until Death, Strength in Unity!"
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